Complaints to compliments

The current company complaints procedure has recently been updated to include both positive and negative feedback from our clients and opinion formers. This will enable our services to be monitored more effectively and improve our overall client experience.

Complaints/Negative Comments

Whilst we aim to get things right first time, sometimes this does not always happen for a variety of reasons. It is important to fully understand and identify any issues to ascertain a clear, on-going communication process with the customer and to clarify our intentions of how we will solve the situation. The majority of complaints/ negative comments, if dealt with swiftly in a co-ordinated and consistent manner, can be resolved promptly. Whilst recognising that things can and do go wrong, Funeral Partners have adopted a ‘no blame’ policy, with the key being to openly discuss and learn from the experience without fear of retributive action in all but the most serious of cases.

Positive Comments

If you have been the recipient of positive feedback i.e. a reflective comment form, thank you letter or card you will know just how rewarding that can feel. For a client to recognise your skills in the workplace is a personal acknowledgement of your commitment – a euphoric moment that confirms you have exceeded their expectations.

Examples taken from reflective comment forms

“On the long flight home I thought all about the funeral for Aunt and how fantastic Woking Funeral Services had been, we could not fault the service you provided. To me it was a revelation – I am still telling staff here in New Zealand how magnificent your people were on the day, the pomp and ceremony was just amazing – it still gives me goose bumps thinking about it.”
Woking Funeral Service

“I cannot thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication for our parents’ funeral. I have never come across a Funeral Director with such compassion and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. To have two funerals so close together was very tragic for all of us but we thank you sincerely for everything you did.”
Maunders Funeral Service, Paignton

“I don’t know how to thank you; it really doesn’t seem enough just to say it. My Dad would have loved his day… I wish he could have seen it, everything I hoped for you ensured. Thank you for listening to me and helping me to make the right choices, you have created a fantastic memory of my Dad’s special day – even though it was sad it will always make me smile knowing he had the best.”
Paul Capper Funeral Service, Eastleigh

“If my mum had received a similar level of care in her last months, I would have been much happier; ironically her care after death was exceptional. Maintain this level and there should be no complaints, only contented loved ones!”
Roy Quinton, Walsall

Remember our reputation is built on providing an excellent service!